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Fred Burger - "Trailers"
I Go Where I'm Towed To, since 1982...
845-339-3390 <> Call or Text
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Fred Burger "Trailers" & Portable Garages
888-458-3390 <> 845-339-3390


    • 845-339-3390 Business line   Cell Phone/text
    • fred@fredstrailers.com e-mail 
  • Since 1982 Fred Burger "Trailers" and my wife Karen have been selling trailers for Big Bikes and Small Vehicles... We ship all over the USA and Canada, as well as Australia, Norway and recently Sweden...
  • This photo is a few trailers on display at Americade at Lake George NY.  Been going there for about 26 years... I no longer go there... 
  • We started out with Time Out Trailers born in early 1972 and Cycle Mate Trailers in 1976  now owned by Time Out Trailers... 
  • We take great pride in following through on trailer sales and will help you whenever you need it... Regardless if there is a problem or a question we will always help...
  • We know that for most people it is not possible to see trailers up close or to compare the products. I try and have many large photo's of each model on each page... I welcome your input how to improve this... 
  • We will go over everything about the trailer and options,with you and explain what I feel is a good investment of money or not needed.
  • At my business by appointment only... 98% of this business is by internet sales which we take great pride in answering any and all questions. We want your purchase to be a memorable experience.
  • My business phone rings with my cell phone at same time... We try and answer all calls... Please, no calls after 9 pm or before 8 am Eastern time... However I do take calls 7 days a week because I know most people work thru the week...
  • I sell only Time Out Camper and Cargo trailers as well as N-Line one wheel trailer and their hitches for Harley only... There once was over 60 trailer companies, now only a few remain.
  • As of 2020 I will be stocking only Time Out Deluxe Camper... Will set up for you by appointment only... All sales past few years was by internet. Being a small business I can't afford to sit on trailers. Use to stock over 50. 
  • The camper and cargo trailers are great for motorcycles, jeeps, hot rods, 4x4, trikes, two wheels in front, trikes two wheels in back and 4 cylinder cars and trucks. Even sold a couple to the bigger vehicles...
  • We accept MC, Visa, AmEx, Discover, Pay-Pal. Sometimes I even accept cash... Personal checks need to clear first... ( No bank checks, Travelers Checks nor money orders... Too much fraud...) Sorry, but I got 3800 reasons... Personal check at business I will photo your license, face and vehicle. No exceptions. I also will put warrant out for any bounced checks or fraudulent purchases. Done that twice. Last I will charge 3% service fee if charge card is used. Sorry I can't give trailer discounts plus lose 3.5% to charge card companies fees to me... We can drop ship trailers anywhere.
  • Go to each button on right for easy access to each of the models, descriptions and retail price... There are a lot of buttons to make it easier to navigate on this site... Each trailer has it's own page...
  • Shipping fee will need to be called up on for each order... Changes daily... Most cargo trailers average $180.00 + and campers $260.00...  
  • We stand by the products we sell... All products are warranted by the manufacturer under normal use... Beware: There is a company out there with USA in their name that sells knock off of trailer companies and hitches that is cheap China junk. I do not and will not ever sell any China made trailers or hitches... I have had a half dozen complaints about this company. I will not fix their problems nor do I care to hear about their problems or products.
  • Special order item requires 40% down, non refundable...
  • You order and received a trailer, you bought it... Car dealers don't take cars back. Trailers damaged in shipping I will work to correct problem.
  • Any option item you ordered and decide you don't want after you received it has a 40% restocking fee plus you pay shipping both ways. 
  1. E-mails
  2. If I do not answer within 48 hours, I did not receive it... 
  3. Add content in subject line... Blank subject e-mails or blank sender ID gets deleted without opening... Put something in subject about trailers or items in question...
  4. When e-mail is sent a return is sent back to you in seconds... If you did not get this e-mail than the message sent to me did not go through... Please call 888-458-3390... 
  5. Please read my "Warnings - Read All five". Some good info there on shipping, safety, warnings and much more... Shipping applies to anything anywhere you may purchase...
I also try and return all trailer e-mails and phone calls within 48 hours... If I don't, I did not receive them or I possibly lost it... Lately I camp a lot with no cell service. {I drive to service usually in evenings to return calls.} Text messages to 914-388-3338 I sometimes get if I am camping...

Trailer prices and options 3rd menu button down on right...




Thank You and see you on the next page...

                                     Karen & Fred Burger...

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  • Fred's trailers LLC          By Appointment Only at my business. I Stock Campers Only.
  • 30 Highland Road                      We accept: Cash, Checks, Bank Checks, Pay-Pal Transfer... 
  • Ulster Park, NY 12487                Personal Checks must clear first for trailer purchase....
  • 845-339-3390 Business     Charge Cards Temporarily on hold due to high fees... finding new company..
  •   Call or Text                               Financing by Pay-Pal has 4 equal payments.. paypal.com search..
  • e-mail ~ fred@1flb.com             Need a brokerage company for any trailer shipped outside the USA.
  • BY APPOINTMENT ONLY              We ship to USA, Canada...                      .
  •  43 Years in Business since 1982...                        Updated; 02-25-2025